Archive: Dynamic InstallDirRegKey

Dynamic InstallDirRegKey
  I really can't figure this out, and it seems like it would be a simple straightforward thing...

I want to set the InstallDir dynamically, or something achieving that effect, but I can't figure out how to do it. If the program's never been installed, I want to read a different key and make that the default install directory...if it doesn't exist then I have a default place to put it. However, once PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY has been set, I want all future installs to use that and not go through looking for the other key.

I thought the solution for this would be to create PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY if it doesn't already exist in .onInit. However, apparently that key is read before .onInit is called, because it has no effect unless I quit the installer and run it again.

I hope I've made sense, I can clarify as needed.


Rather than using InstallDirRegKey just do it all using Read/WriteRegStr

InstallDir "C:\myapp"

Function .onInit
Push $R0
ReadRegStr $R0 HKCU "Software\myapp1" "InstallDir"
StrCmp $R0 "" 0 +3
ReadRegStr $R0 HKCU "Software\myapp2" "Blah"
StrCmp $R0 "" +2
Pop $R0


Sorry, I didn't really mention that what I'm trying to do is set the default install location that is presented to the user during the install. I can't figure out how to do it dynamically at install time. As far as I know you can't change InstallDir or InstallDirRegKey at install time, so the only way I can think of to change the default install location is by changing the value of the key at PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY. But that doesn't work, as the value is read BEFORE .onInit.

Ok. Why is it so hard to set the Install Dir?
Evey other install program out there can do it, so why can't NSIS?

This is my code, I keep getting the same error :

Usage: ReadRegStr $(user_var: output) rootkey subkey entry
Error in script "D:\Install Files\Essensuals\NSIS\WorkDir\DC_Map.nsi" on line 54 -- aborting creation process


>OutFile "DCMap.exe"
>InstallDir "$InstalDir\\Mods\\DC_Final\\Archives\\BF1942\\levels"
>ShowInstDetails show
ShowUnInstDetails show

>Function .onInit
ReadRegStr $InstalDir HKLM "SOFTWARE\\EA GAMES\\Battlefield 1942" "GAMEDIR"
StrCpy $INSTDIR "$InstalDir\\Mods\\DC_Final\\Archives\\BF1942\\levels"

Try this code

!define GAME_KEY "SOFTWARE\EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942"
OutFile "DCMap.exe"
InstallDir "C:\\Games (or other default dir)\Mods\DC_Final\Archives\BF1942\levels"
ShowInstDetails show
ShowUnInstDetails show

Function .onInit
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "${GAME_KEY}" "GAMEDIR"
IfErrors +2
StrCpy $INSTDIR "$0\Mods\DC_Final\Archives\BF1942\levels"

Your code doesn't work because you are using an undefined variable: $InstalDir
You should use a ready-defined variable like $R0.


2 Afrow UK (your post from 11-11-2004):

But if $R0 ends with exe name, how to trim last part of string until \.
For example if I read ReadRegStr $R0 HKCU "Software\myapp1" "InstallDir" - I get C:\SomeDir\SomeProg.exe
And when I read ReadRegStr $R0 HKCU "Software\myapp2" "Blah"
I get C:\AnotherDir\AnotherProg.exe
I don't now number of letters, so I can't use "StrCpy
user_var(destination) str [maxlen] [start_offset]"
How to convert this variables to C:\SomeDir\ and C:\AnotherDir\ ?

Dkom thanks man that worked.

okay, I'm gonna try it for me...
that's what I too wanted to do...

but if somebody could explain why the installdirregkey does not change my instdir... :D

I'm sure I'm somewhere wrong, but don't know where...

Originally posted by Dkom
2 Afrow UK (your post from 11-11-2004):

But if $R0 ends with exe name, how to trim last part of string until \.
For example if I read ReadRegStr $R0 HKCU "Software\myapp1" "InstallDir" - I get C:\SomeDir\SomeProg.exe
And when I read ReadRegStr $R0 HKCU "Software\myapp2" "Blah"
I get C:\AnotherDir\AnotherProg.exe
I don't now number of letters, so I can't use "StrCpy
user_var(destination) str [maxlen] [start_offset]"
How to convert this variables to C:\SomeDir\ and C:\AnotherDir\ ?
GetParent function:,11,211
