Archive: Problems with services -> "Interact with desktop"

Problems with services -> "Interact with desktop"

i want to setup a service. I've read all FAQs/examples i found about NSIS. The best solution for me is the sources from dselkirk. In my own setup.nsi i use this line to install.

!insertmacro SERVICE "create" "PF3000-Converter" "path=$INSTDIR\srvany.exe;interact=1;autostart=1;"

(PS: I use the srvany.exe from MS to run a .exe as service)

But this doesn't work. After install it looks all ok. Even the Interact with desktop ist enabled but it do nothing.
Only when i'm setting it manualy (off/on) it works.

I've try some experiments with following code but with the same effect.
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PF3000-Converter" "Type" 272

The checkbox from "interact with desktop" is allways enabled, but only when i'm do it manualy it works.

Does someone have an idea ? I tested this on 2 WinXP SP1 Machines.


(PS: i know that is a better solution to made a service and a single gui only to view, this is planned but not yet ready)

Yup, i have the same problem as well.
Ive changed service-lib.nsh to always set type to 0x110.

Dont know if it works properly yet tho.