Archive: How find exe automatically

How find exe automatically
Hi all,

is possible to search automatically on the end of setup a particular file exe to install the files only if the file exe exists.

Thanks a lot

Did you try the instruction IfFileExists?

Maybe the e.g below can help you!

Function .onInit
GetFullPathName $FULL_PATH "yourinst.exe"

Function .onInstSuccess
Push "other.exe"
;The fun that can trim the filename
Call GetParent
pop $R0
ExectWait "$FULL_PATH\$R0"

I am sorry!
this is the right!forget above one!
Maybe the e.g below can help you!

Function .onInit
GetFullPathName $FULL_PATH "yourinst.exe"

Function .onInstSuccess
;The fun that can trim the filename
Call GetParent
pop $R0
ExectWait "$R0\other.exe"

That code is completely useless!

GetFullPathName is used to convert path's to short or normal... E.g. C:\Program Files to C:\Progra~1 (with /SHORT switch) or vise-versa.

SearchPath would also not work because it only searches in a number of folders including the Windows System folder.


en!~I find the answer below
system::call 'kernel32::GetModuleFileNameA(i 0, t .R0, i 1024) i r1'
and that can help me!~
fit you homeless?
thank you Afrow UK!!:)