Archive: Quick launch/Desktop shortcut

Quick launch/Desktop shortcut

I assume both the quick launch and desktop shortcuts are made in the same way as in the start menu.

The info I'm missing is how does one query the user if they want any of thee created upon installation?

Many thanks as always

Just use a Section?

Section "Create shortcuts"
CreateShortcut ...

There are run-time constants available: $DESKTOP, $QUICKLAUNCH


Originally posted by Afrow UK
Just use a Section?

Section "Create shortcuts"
CreateShortcut ...

There are run-time constants available: $DESKTOP, $QUICKLAUNCH

Two things:

1) Yes but then some more code is needed for make sure the user cannot continue installation without the standard install component.

2) Isn't it possible to ask the user this via a message box on the start menu query install page? I believe this would work fine.

That would be just as easy yes!

MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "Create myApp shortcuts?" IDNO noShortcuts
CreateShortcut ...
