Archive: Get Date

Get Date

how can i get the date and write it to the registry.

Thanks In Advance

Here you can find the datetime plugin. With this plugin you can retrive the current date / time.

Thanks, but i have another question ,
i will store this date later in the registry, and i don't want the user to know which registry entry is the date, so
anyway to encrypt the date i got using the plugin, i mean is there a function for example that let me replace all '5' occurence with 'ab' : '1/15/2004' -- > '1/1ab/2005' ,

StrCpy $R0 "1/15/2004"

Push $R0
Push "5"
Push "ab"
Call StrReplace
Pop $R0 ; $R0 = "1/1ab/2004"

You can grab the StrReplace Function from:


have a little problem here, appears that the StrReplace replace only first occurrence,any workaround for this?