Archive: The old MUI with branding image chestnut...

The old MUI with branding image chestnut...
I'm sure it's just my frustration talking but I have been getting the impression lately that the NSIS docs have been written by people who somehow knew in advance what I'd need to know and adjusted the docs accordingly so they don't tell me.

My problem is this: I am using the MUI, and want a branding image stuck on the side of the installer, for every screen. Could someone clearly state (not just for me, but for the record) the steps involved in doing this.

I have tried putting stuff in .onGUIInit, which results in the branding appearing WAY after the GUI is Inited, and the forum posts on how to get the thing to appear (apparently you need to add in a statement for every page of the installer...) seem less than clear.

Thanks very much in advance guys, my complaining is only temporary, whereas my love for NSIS and you all is undying.

According to Microsoft Design Guidelines for Wizard based applications only the Welcome and Finish pages should have a image at the left. So to make a decent Wizard I suggest you to drop that idea.

Hah, thanks :) I've never seen a post exactly as useful as Microsoft Guidelines before.

See the gfx.nsi example.

Yeah, that (handily) only uses custom Pages, which means that the code can simply be included in functions. My case (which I think is a slightly more real-world one) is that I want to know where I can put code which will be called by the standard MUI pages (e.g. MUI_PAGE_WELCOME, MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY).



Ahh this is what I want, right?


One of THEM!