Archive: How to transfer input string to Registry?

How to transfer input string to Registry?
I'm sorry, but ny english is not so good, to read manuals of NSIS.
I read the FAQ and article about Object plugin.
But I hadn't anderstand it a little bit.
I'm novice with NSIS.
how i couls prompt a string from user and pu it into the registy?
Thanks for support.

Use InstallOptions to create an installer page for user-input. See Contrib\InstallOptions\Readme.html

Then use WriteRegStr to write the input string to the registry.


I know that i need to use Contrib\InstallOptions, i read the html, bu i didn't undersrand it. The are is about MsgDla (Yes\No on any qustion). But i need something like InputBox, to allow user to type the string...
Sorry again for my english...

There are many InstallOptions examples around in the NSIS\Contrib\InstallOptions folder and the NSIS\Examples folder.


Also, HM NIS Edit let's you graphically create dialogs and windows, and automatically generates an INI file.

I found this very useful as a trial-and-error method of discovering how an InstallOptions INI file works.