Archive: does anything execute after Reboot is called?

does anything execute after Reboot is called?
Other than a callback to .onRebootFailed, are there any circumstances in which commands will be executed after Reboot is called? Or does Reboot essentially act like Abort, terminating the installer immediately? For example:

MessageBox MB_OK "Can you see me?"

Function .onRebootFailed
MessageBox MB_OK "Please reboot manually."
Is it ever possible for the "Can you see me?" message to pop up?

Similary, if the reboot fails, does anything occur after .onRebootFailed executes, or does the installer terminate? (When trying to test this, I haven't been able to reproduce a reboot that fails.:))


Reboot is more like Quit than like Abort. It actually calls Quit internally. Abort just aborts and lets the user click Cancel to close the installer. Quit just closes the installer, no questions asked.

Nothing can be executed after .onRebootFailed.

To reproduce a reboot that fails, boot up Windows 9x, open another NSIS installer and have the first installer try to reboot.

kichik, thanks for explaining the details of Reboot and .onRebootFailed. Using your example, I was able to reproduce a failed reboot attempt.