Archive: Proxy hell

Proxy hell
I am having a helluva time getting thru a client's corporate proxy network.. I have tried both inetLoad and nsisdl plugins to no avail

the strange thing is...
When I use:
my mac powerbook OS X
running Virtual PC for Win2k
and my nsis installer app
running on their ethernet connection

I get thru....with no errors or problems

When I run the same nsis installer on their PC's, I do not get thru..and receive an error with inetload and/or nsisdl

normally, my app runs flawlessly on normal non proxy PC's for 98,2000, and XP

is there some kind of work-around I am missing?

has any kind soul run into this 'proxy' problem ?

what did you guys do ?

Am I the only one with this problem? Anyone else dealing with corporate networks? Guess I could check out InstallShield. Maybe the express version will be enough to get past this particular problem for corporations. Everyone else gets the nsis version

I've never had a real problem with user's having problems with NSISdl. For those that had any problems I simply told them to change their proxy settings until it worked!


ouch :( These are definitely not smarters....just corporate drone types
my project seems to work for everyone else...just not on the main client's system

have there been proxy setting that have worked? Or, pitfalls to avoid?

also, here is one strange issue that might point to a solution:
my powerbook DHCP'd into their network works fine with the nsis app...
I am running Virtual PC [XP,2000,and 98] on my apple powerbook

their own PC computers hooked into their networks are not able to download the files the nsis app is requesting

strange stuff...but a definite road block as far as they are concerned