Archive: Leave a directory behind on uninstall

Leave a directory behind on uninstall
So far these forums have been very useful, special thanks to all who have posted.

I tried searching for the answer to this one but couldn't quite find the perfect solution.

I want the user to have an option to save a certain directory called cache upon uninstall.

The Directory struction of the program is:

and then numerous dll's and other files in the default install directory.

Any ideas how I can preserve the cache directory if the user wants to?

For similar circumstances I have used something like this.

Var keepCache

Function un.onInit
MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "Are you sure you want to uninstall ${PRODUCT_NAME}?" IDYES +2
MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON1 "Do you want to keep your cache folder?" IDNO +2
StrCpy $keepCache "Yes"

Section Uninstall
StrCmp $keepCache "Yes" +2
Delete "$INSTDIR\Cache\*.*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Configuration\*.*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Data\*.*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\src\*.*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Utils\*.*"

StrCmp $keepCache "Yes" +2
RMDir "$INSTDIR\Cache"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\Configuration"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\src"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\Utils"
Have the StrCmp jump over the Deletes and RMDirs that should skipped.

Originally posted by scrose
For similar circumstances I have used something like this.


Have the
StrCmp jump over the Deletes and RMDirs that should skipped.
Thank you, one additional question. How would I remove all the loose files, "DELETE $INSTDIR\*" ?

Yes, something like this.

Delete "$INSTDIR\*.*"
But be careful when using *.* with Delete; you might erase something you didn't instead to. If possible, it's much safer to have a separate Delete command for each file you want to uninstall. Same is true for RMDir.

Be careful with this:

  StrCmp $keepCache "Yes" +2
Delete "$INSTDIR\Cache\*.*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Configuration\*.*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Data\*.*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\src\*.*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Utils\*.*"

StrCmp $keepCache "Yes" +2
RMDir "$INSTDIR\Cache"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\Configuration"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\src"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\Utils"

Firstly you only need one StrCmp for the whole lot and secondly you're using +2 (only jumping over the first command!)
  StrCmp $keepCache "Yes" keepCache
Delete "$INSTDIR\Cache\*.*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Configuration\*.*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Data\*.*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\src\*.*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Utils\*.*"

RMDir "$INSTDIR\Cache"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\Configuration"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\src"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\Utils"


Llynix only wanted to keep the Cache directory. That's why each StrCmp only jumped over one line.

Ah my mistake.


the RMDir skip is not really needed (unless you want to keep the folder even if it's empty)