How I can display more than one line for MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT?

I use $\r$\n for separating string:
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT First string$\r$\nSecond string
but I see only first string

How I can display more than one line without using custom page?

Thank you

Umm.. I don't know much.. but maybe:

!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT "First string$\r$\nSecond string"

With quotes around the string?

Yes, I have quotes.

Using \r\n, not $\r$\n.

It not work

What decision?

I've also tried to do this. Neither \r\n or $\r$\n seem to work. I've even tried making the checkbox caption larger by modifying the Bottom field of the Field 5 section in the ioSpecial.ini file by using !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE, but that didn't work either.

I suspect there is something inherent about the checkbox caption control that doesn't allow multiple lines. I would suggest contacting the Modern UI author.

It'd be a change to the InstallOptions source rather than MUI. deguix might have already fixed this in InstallOptionsEx: (download last attachment for latest dll)


No, both of them have the same thing. Multiline feature is not supported but the text wrapping is.

That means that if the text is long enough, it will wrap to the other lines, depending on the size of the Checkbox control. The key here is reducing the Checkbox size so the text can wrap correctly.