Archive: Decompression takes forever...

Decompression takes forever...
I have an installer when compressed, using LZMA compression, which is 289MB. When testing the installer, it verified the files, then decompressed quietly for nearly three full minutes on a 1.3 GHz Athlon with 512 MB RAM.

My question is - Is there a method of displaying an "expected wait time" for such large files? I fully expect some impatient user will attempt to run the installer repeatedly, thinking it "must not be working"... which of course would just run more decompression processes on the installer, further increasing their wait-time.

(Also: Yes, I know a splash-screen that shows instantly after the self-check would be helpful, but my installer takes about 90 minutes to compile, so I haven't tested that yet...I'll do that after this post. ;))

Are you using BGGradient? If so, to make it show something, have a look at this thread.

To speed it up, take a look at the above thread and this one too.