Archive: Run After Finish + RegStr

Run After Finish + RegStr
Hi there, im tring to fix this the whole day with no luck...

I want that a Program is launched after the setup has finished, simply by using 'MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN'. But the location of this program needs to be read from a registry value. Ive tried some lines but these doesnt work;

!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$R9\Program.exe"


ReadRegStr $R9 HKLM Software\iMesh\Client ProgramLocation
The 'ReadRegStr' works fine but the program isn't opened after my setup. Ive checked the Install Callbacks but with no luck. I hope somebody has an solution.

Where did you put that ReadRegStr line? Are you sure nothing changes $R9 after ReadRegStr is called?

Thank for your reply, but i solved it just a few hour ago. Its was very difficult but its fixed now.

Any one whos intrested i used the NSIS (the best installer) for this project
