Archive: need file created time, not file modified time

need file created time, not file modified time
In FileModifiedDate I access file modified time, but when file is written over, modified time doesn't change. What does change is file create time (counter-intuative to my brain).

How can I change the params of :

; Get File time
System::Call '*$2(i, l, l, l, i, i, i, i, &t260, &t14) i (,,, .r3)'

to get what I need?

_stat() (Win API) returns last access, creation and modification times. Define _stat structure and call function, in msvcrt.dll for example.

do you have a usage example?

I saw file time sample (using FindFile) in the System.nsi (System plug-in sample). All times presents in the WIN32_FIND_FILE struct.
NSIS\Contrib\System folder

yes, that gives me modified file time, not file created time or file accessed time...I was hoping that a parameter change in arg list for System::Call could change that


I am not sure what you finally want to do, but attached script shows all times :)

much appreciated, thanks:)