Archive: Bypass Windows Limited Account!!!!

Bypass Windows Limited Account!!!!
Hi Guys,
I hope you can help me on this one.

I work for a company that needs to set a limited account, so that user doesn't mess around with our programs. Now I have a problem! How can I can delete files on this limited account using NSIS. In addition, we made no access to explorer and the C drive Windows and programs are stored.

I tried a simple NSIS program to delete a file in teh C drive. This NSIS program was burned on a CD and then run on the machine logged as this limited account. I haven't disabled autorun for DVD-CD drive, so my NSIS program did its stuff and came up with a message box saying that it deleted the file. Well I wanted to make sure it did, so I logged on as an administrator and noticed that the file wasn't deleted.

So here is my problem. How can delete stuff on a drive which the user doesn't have access using NSIS wonderful program?

Any suggestion would help....



Uh the whole *point* of limiting access rights is so that a user can't do those things, no matter what program they run. If you want to do them then get a better access rights policy or get an administrator to change the permissions on the file to be deleted so the user can remove them.

However the best way is for your company to have at least a small understanding of why on earth they want access right restrictions if they also want the user to be able to delete files...

IIRC the default security settings for new folders in "program files" is set to read-only for users.

If they do have the correct permissions and your using Windows XP with a group policy you can try only using "Hide drives in windows explorer" rather than "prevent access to drives in windows explorer". That way if they do have access to the file then they can delete it.

Write a plugin that...
You could write a plugin to show a dialog with:

Start program with diffent credentials?


Then spawn an application under these different credentials to delete the file, then return to your setup.
If you do not understand what I mean ,the proposed sollution is probbably beyond your scope.



Restrictions, huh? Punk!
So your company are a little anal retendent, huh? Stop forcing the users into tight spaces with all those restrictions. I hate restricted computers. If people can't follow simple rules without enforcing lockdowns they will have to resign or be fired.

I'm facing the same problem at my school. We have a nice internet connection (approx. 10MBps both ways) but all the computers have the same IP outgoing and many ports are disabled, so a lot of communcation over the internet is limited. Passive FTP access. passiv connection over Direct Connect (DC++). And so on. Hate it! And I'm not going to download hundreds of gigs taking up the entire bandwidth. I'm actually studying here, but the SysOp thinks everyone is abusing the computer network. So what can you do?