Archive: Images 4 U

Images 4 U
made some graphics for anyone that wants them.

317 header bmps
View and download Here

45 wizard bmps
View and Download Here

15 Checkbox bmps
View and download Here

You can also get some header and wizard bmps I made a long long time ago HERE

Nice work!!!

-Stu :o :D

Very Nice!


Wow... should be in the archive ;)

Nice work man, congrats! :up:

thanks + misc
Thanks guys !
Ill add it to the archive soon
I wanted to make some themes too but it seems theres no way to change the buttons color according to msdn it looks like it should be possible if the buttons are owner drawn and the parent window sends a msg I can change the buttons to owner drawn in res hacker but have no idea if i can have the parent window send the msg :/ heres the msdn link for any programmers that can help me out. TIA
msdn button msgs

heres a screen of a theme

I don't know much about NSIS itself, InstallOptions lets NSIS to handle WM_CTLCOLORBTN messages, but I know that NSIS doesn't use the owner-drawn button style.

ok but if i use res hacker to set the buttons to owner drawn then is it possible

Or even maybe it ignores you from setting the colors on NSIS source... We should wait for kichik's answer for this.

NSIS responds to WM_CTLCOLORBTN. The buttons, however, are not owner drawn and NSIS doesn't respond to WM_DRAWITEM. That's why it won't actually change the color.

Oh yeahh... I forgot about WM_DRAWITEM... Thanks kichik for the answer.

very nice work.
could you plz attach sample code for your themes too?
or even post it in the archive?

ok kichik but if i use reshacker to change the buttons to owner drawn shouldnt that work?

No because NSIS doesn't handle WM_DRAWITEM, so that flag has no effect. The default message handling of Windows doesn't do anything when this message is received by the program. And as NSIS uses the default in this case, you can't do anything besides changing the source to solve this.

You don't have to change the source. You can write a plug-in that will subclass the buttons.

Originally posted by kichik
You don't have to change the source. You can write a plug-in that will subclass the buttons.
i'll see if i can alter one of my winamp skinning plugins to do this over the weekend and use the same format as the gen.bmp from the winamp skin (seems a decent format for the whole skinning thing :) )


here's a preview of something i've got roughly working (need to test it out with more options, etc but it 'skins' the whole of the installer interface).

the image format/information is currently from a genex.bmp file which winamp uses but depending on requests, etc i may expand the file slightly inorder to add in scrollbar images, etc. current test dll size is ~10k though for testing the image file is external to the installer (feedback on how people would like this to be handled is welcome otherwise you need to extract the image file and then pass it to the skinner init function.

screenie is attached


Man thats so cool thanks
all i care about for the moment is the buttons and the scroll bar

when do you think youll be able to post a beta and a sample?

im working on my own script gen program and I'd like to include any stuff i can for skins i got the color crap goin
but since the buttons cant be done its kind of lacking.

Thanks again :)

i need a few more days on this just to check a few more things out and to tweak the code but i want it to be configurable as to what parts are/aren't 'skinned' so it'll be possible to just have say the buttons done.

as for the scrollbars, the only code i've got at the moment only works on Win2k/XP (need to disassemble the Winamp media library a bit more to get it working on 9x/Me systems)
