Archive: MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS - Setting checkbox states based on installed software?

MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS - Setting checkbox states based on installed software?
Is there any way to set the checkbox states for the install components in MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS dynamically? I maintain an in-house installer for add-on art tools (3ds Max plugins, Photoshop plugins, etc...). I'd like the install options page to open with checkboxes pre-checked for any relevant software programs found on the user's machine (e.g. the "Max 6 Plugins" checkbox would be checked if I found Max6 on the user's HD).

I can find the programs without any problems. I just can't seem to figure out how to pass MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS any parameters, except for the -o in the section head, that would let me dynamically change the state of the UI widgets.

You don't want to dynamically change them. In your custom Page function, do the detection FIRST, then before you call your MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY macro, you set your checkboxes, probably with MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE

MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS is not a custom page.

Use the SelectSection and UnselectSection macros from Sections.nsh. For example:

!include Sections.nsh

Section "Photoshop plug-ins" ps_plugins

Function .onInit
IfFileExsists $PROGRAMFILES\Photoshop\main.exe psins
!insertmacro SelectSection ${ps_plugins}
Goto done
!insertmacro UnselectSection ${ps_plugins}