Archive: File Functions Header: "FileFunc.nsh"

File Functions Header: "FileFunc.nsh"
Included functions:

"Locate" v1.3
  -Find files, directories and empty directories with mask and size options.

"SizeFind" v1.7
  -Find the size in Bytes, Kb, Mb or Gb of a disk, file or directory
   (with subdirectory or not)
  -Find the sum of the files, directories and subdirectories

"GetDrives" v1.0
  -Find all available drives in the system.

"GetTime" v1.0
  -Get local time
  -Get file time (access, creation and modification)

  -Get installer filename (with case sensitive path for Windows 9X)

  -Get extention of file

  -After changing file associations, you can call this macro
   to refresh the shell immediatly.

File Functions Header v1.0:

Mate, you write some good stuff for us, you're much appreciated.


"Locate" v1.4
  -Fixed: quit from function when finding system protected files (NT)

"GetSize" v1.8
  -Rename "SizeFind" -> "GetSize"
  -New code for "SizeFind" (based on "Locate" code).

New "DirState"
  -Check directory full or empty.

File Functions Header v1.1:


New function: "GetExePath"
  -Get installer pathname ($EXEDIR with valid case for Windows 9X)

File Functions Header v1.2: