Archive: animate bgimage - how to get handle?

animate bgimage - how to get handle?
i'm trying to animate bgimage using this command:

System::Call    "user32::AnimateWindow(i $HWNDPARENT, i '500', i '${AW_HIDE}|${AW_BLEND}') i."

of course, $HWNDPARENT only works with the nsis window itself.

win32spy told me that the window class is "NSISBGImage", so i tried the following code:
        Push    $0
FindWindow $0 "NSISBGImage"
StrCmp $0 "0" +2
System::Call "user32::AnimateWindow(i $0, i '500', i '${AW_HIDE}|${AW_BLEND}') i."
Pop $0

but didn't work.
and, yes, i defined the flags correctly, works with the main window :)
anyone could help me getting the handle to the backround image?

noone any idea?

have you looked at the code for bgimage to see how it creates the window and to then go from there? (i'd look if i had access to the source myself but tricky to do at work :( )


Comm@nder21, if you pass a number, it shouldn't be in quotes. Quotes are only for strings.

DrO, the source is always accessible ;)

@dro: i'm sry, my skills are not enough in c++ to understand the code. i tried it :)

@kichik: the system call itself works fine for me, but only with $HWNDPARENT as handle (so, for the main installer window).

kichik: that's true but it's a bit tricky to view it when you're not meant to be looking at code ;)

Comm@nder21: my bad, you seemed to know what you were doing with the system plugin so i sort of assumed you knew c/c++


indeed i've some very low skills in c++, not enough to write somethin really usefull, though.
so, the nsis scripting language and the way, the system plugin handles api calls is not that complicated than it's in c++.
atleast a basic understanding of code itself i really do have, but not enough for that case.
so, if anyone could read the code for me and get the answer, i'd be really happy :)

i'll try and have a scan through in a bit for you :)


found something, dro?