Archive: function does not work in section? (ReplaceOnLine)

function does not work in section? (ReplaceOnLine)
I want to use some of the sample scripts/functions and tried to use the function ReplaceOnLine to change text in a specific line of a text file. But when I try that I get the following error message:

Call "ReplaceOnLine"
Error: command Function not valid in section
Error in macro ReplaceOnLine on macroline 7
Error in script "F:\Programme\NSIS\Examples\mini.nsi" on line 113 -- aborting creation process

I have created a mini example (see attached files) to show the problem.

Short overlook:

1) definition of the function (padded in a macro for easier usage)

2) using the function in a section

results in the error message above

Looking forward for any pointers. I guess I'm using the function wrong, but don't have a clue what goes wrong. Other functions show the same problem.

Best regards

exclude the Function ReplaceOnLine from your macro.

Thank you very much for your answer. That was an easy error - "Wald vor lauter Bäumen und so..." ;-)

Then my next question arises: What's the difference between a macro and a user function? When should I use which type?

Thank you for your help.


A Function is like a routine or procedure that you can call multiple times. The Function code is only stored in your install once.

A macro is compile-time. It can contain anything from run-time commands (like StrCpy) to compile-time commands (like !define) When you insert a macro using !insertmacro, it simply creates a copy of the code in your macro and places it where you have inserted the macro. This allows us to insert multiple copies of complicated code with a few lines of !insermacro.

!macro StrCpy Var
StrCpy ${Var} "blah"
Function UseBlah
!insermacro StrCpy $R0
!insermacro StrCpy $R1

Would be the same as:
Function UseBlah
StrCpy $R0 "blah"
StrCpy $R1 "blah"
