Archive: Problem with building VIM

Problem with building VIM
Hi, I tried to build VIM ( and came across problems when using NSIS 2.03

For some reason, the ExecWait calls are not executed when I use NSIS 2.03. However, everything works ok if I use NSIS 2.02.

I did try putting quotes:

ExecWait '"$0\install.exe" $1'

But that did not work.

Try this:
ExecWait '"$0\install.exe" "$1"'



I managed to narrow down the problem. Here is the code with some debug MessageBox:

Section "Native Language Support"
SectionIn 1 3

MessageBox MB_OK "arg0 is $0 In NLS before 1st SetOutPath"
SetOutPath $0\lang
MessageBox MB_OK "arg0 is $0 In NLS after 1st SetOutPath"
File /r ${VIMRT}\lang\*.*
MessageBox MB_OK "arg0 is $0 In NLS before 2nd SetOutPath"
SetOutPath $0\keymap
MessageBox MB_OK "arg0 is $0 In NLS after 2nd SetOutPath"
File ${VIMRT}\keymap\README.txt
File ${VIMRT}\keymap\*.vim
SetOutPath $0
File ${VIMRT}\libintl.dll

For the first two MessageBox calls, $0 is "C:\Program Files\vim\vim63". But the third and fourth MessageBox calls (i.e. before 2nd SetOutPath, $0 is "C:\Program Files\vim\vim63\lang". Why is $0 being changed? None of the earlier statements should change $0 (I think).

Try commenting out each command in between each message box to find out what is changing the variable.


It is the File /r command. Somehow, the other File commands (without the /r) does not mess up the $0 variable

I have opened a bug report:

You can track it there.