Archive: How to read regvalue ant to set sections parametrs, based on it

How to read regvalue ant to set sections parametrs, based on it
If I install over previous version - I want to make one section readonly (or invisible).
If it's clean install - user can check/unckeck this section.

So I think, that it is possible to read some registry value: if it presents - the section becomes readonly (or invisible). If not - this section looks like others.

But I don't now, how to do this. For example:

Section "some_name" Sec01
StrCmp $R3 "1" yes no
StrCpy $R4 "-blablabla"
goto q
StrCpy $R4 "blablabla"

Section /o $R4 SEC02

But it doesn't work. Checkbox always visible, and section name invisible.

Use SectionSetText.
Or you can use the Section macro's in Sections.nsh if you need them.


Maybe it's not difficult but I can't understand how to apply SectionSetText to section.
When I use
Section /o "Name" SEC02
SectionSetText "SEC02" "" ("" - to make section invisible)
nothing hapens. Maybe it's because of Modern UI?

SectionSetText ${SEC02} ...

Nothing again. When I put SectionSetText ${SEC02} "" in .onInit it shows "unknown variable/constant "{SEC02}" detected, ignoring" and section SEC01 is invisible (but not SEC02).
Another interesting thing: when I write
Section "" SEC02 - it's invisible
but when I write
Function .onInit
StrCpy $0 ""
Section "$0" SEC02 - checkbox always visible

Here is my script http://www.046*****~komarov/ How to make section SEC02 invisible (to read regkey, if it is =1 then invisible, if it's not present - then visible).

Ìîæåò ïî-ðóññêè íàïèñàòü? :) My English is terrible. :D

Try to insert .onInit-function after sections declaration.

Maybe this example helps you.

ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Your Software" "your key"
IfErrors hide 0
strcmp $0 1 hide good
SectionSetText ${SEC02} ""
; ... another action when hide section

But I can mistake (ìåñòàìè). ;)

To glory_man (in Russian)
Äà,äîáàâëåíèå onInit ïîñëå ñàìèõ ñåêöèé ïîìîãëî. À êàê ðàñïîëîæåíèå onInit ìîæåò ïîâëèÿòü íà ðàáîòó èíñòàëëÿòîðà (äî èëè ïîñëå îïèñàíèÿ ñåêöèé)?. À îáÿçÿòåëüíî ñòàâèòü
ClearErrors è IfErrors.  òâîåì æå ïðèìåðå îí âñåãäà çàïðåùàåò ñåêöèþ (åñëè êëþ÷à íåò, çíà÷èò áóäåò error->hide åñëè åñòü - òî 1 è îïÿòü hide. Ó ìåíÿ êëþ÷ åñëè åñòü, òî îí âñåãäà 1 èëè åãî âîîáùå íåò, òàê ÷òî âðîäå ðàáîòàåò è áåç ClearErrors è IfErrors.

To others: I moved Function .onInit after all sections, and this one works:

Section "name" SEC01
...some commands
Section "Name2" SEC02
...some commands
Function on.Init
...some commands
StrCmp $9 "1" not_visible visible
SectionSetText ${SEC02} ""

Thanks to all. :)

To Dkom (in Russian).
Âîîáùå òî, íàâåðíîå, áîëåå ïðàâèëüíî èñïîëüçîâàòü ôëàã îøèáêè äëÿ ïåðåõîäà. Ò.å. åñëè êëþ÷ îòñóòñâóåò, òî ïðè åãî ÷òåíèè óñòàíîâèñòÿ ýòîò ôëàã. À åñëè êëþ÷ åñòü, è íå íóæíî çíàòü åãî çíà÷åíèå, òî äåëàé ïåðåõîä. Õîòÿ âîçìîæíî ýòî è âñå ðàâíî. Âåäü åñëè êëþ÷à íåò, òî ïåðåìåííîé ïðèñâîèòñÿ çíà÷åíèå "".
È äåëî â ðàñïîëîæåíèè ñåêöèé, à íå ôóíêöèè. Ïî-ìîåìó.
È, íàâåðíîå, ëó÷øå ïèñàòü ïî àíãëèéñêè - àòî íå ïîéìóò.

Dkom asked - How onInit placement influences istallation-programm work. I think the problem is in section placement but not in .onInit function placement. As at sections description the announcement and giving of a section_index_ouput is made. Therefore at compilation of the project all over again it is necessary to define these variables (section_index_ouputis) and then use them.

Am I right? (old Users).

Sorry my English.

Î, áëÿ, ðóññêèå êîðåøà. ß óæ äóìàë ìû òóò ñ Takhir'îì îäíè.

Íàñ ìàëî, íî ìû â òåëüíÿøêàõ :D.

È âñå-òàêè ïðàâ ÿ èëè íåò â ñâîåì ïðåäûäóùåì ïîñòå.

Old users - where are you?
Look my previous post. Am I right?