Archive: One time Installation?

One time Installation?
Hi, im doing a installer to distribute some software. However, i wanna be able to control like who can install it. I dont really want people to go around distrubuting the package .

Is there a way that the installer can lock itself after installation? then like no matter where it is copyed to, like another computer, it wont be able to be executed?

Any other ideas and comments would be helpful


Maybe this script help you.

yeah. i read about that. but the problem is that the values are stored locally. what if the user just moved the installation file to another computer? then the program wldn be able to detect if the installation file has been ran before...

Can you add in your program an opportunity of check of the register at start?

Originally posted by glory_man
Can you add in your program an opportunity of check of the register at start?
an opportunity of check? whats that?
but im guessing anything done locally wont be feasible since as long as the user moves the installation file, the settings wont be there anymore? etc temp files or registry entries

Package might be duplicated before installation, so file modifications are useless.
1. "you must be connected to Internet to install this software" - server performs SN check out (like Win XP does) and adds this num to "installed" database. Works till codegenerator not appeares in Inet :)
2. Package creation "on demand" - user fills web registration form, server creates package with embedded user parameters, installer checks for example user and computer names, as a result - installation works for particular user and comp only.

hm...alrite. thanks alot
those stuff are do able from nsis right?
basically what im tryin to do is to explore how to build in control components to control and manage usage of the installer..

Another way: you can put some script on your website, that can gather some system info and generate "special key hash".
User must ask demo key (to try program) and real key (if he want to buy it). So user can get his key by mail (in this key will be that hash and his serial number (demo or real))
When installer starts - it will check this keyfile in its folder (or you can choose path to keyfile in your custom window through Browse dialog) . If its present - installer will gather system info (its algorithm must be as in your webscript) and compare calculated hash with the hash in keyfile. If it's identical - installer knows that it's the same user. Second step - it checks serial number in keyfile (serial number must be based on that hash (you will ask "Why do I need serial number, if I already have a hash?" Answer: "user can read your webscript and make hash for any system, but he doesn't now how to generate valid serial number, based on this hash). So if serial number passed - installer will install your program (and put this keyfile in programs folder). Program can read this keyfile to work properly. (if program doesn't read this file, then user can put this program manually to another PC without any installer).
If you don't know how to write webscript, you can write a "registrator" - user must download it, write needed info, registrator will send all info to you, and you will send keyfile to user (but script is better)

Sory if my english is bad.