Archive: MSIBANNER driven by InetLoad

MSIBANNER driven by InetLoad
is there a way to have InetLoad drive MSIBanner for a very simple progress great to use it for updating small files... InetLoad in popup mode is still a little too complicated for my users ;) Just having a simple graphic-only progress bar in the .oninit would be quite cool :)

mmm, what's InetLoad? :/

MSIBanner have a simple progress bar... or I missed something?

InetLoad is quite a cool ftp/http plugin created by Takir [sp?] that works with proxy networks. I am using the InetLoad plugin[not in POPUP mode] rather than NSISDL. NSISDL could not cut thru my client's proxy.
As far as MSIBANNER, I was wondering if you could feed it actual percentage download values rather than faking the progress bar with something like
Function bannerLoop
strcpy $count 0
strcpy $loopTotal 10
MSIBanner::UPDATE /NOUNLOAD "$bannerText"
sleep ${delay}
IntOp $count $count + 1
strcmp $count $loopTotal loopFinished loop
strcpy $count "0"

many thanks for the plug Lobo as I am using it for a system check in the .onInit :)

I was wondering if you could feed it actual percentage
I can try :)
But it will be after new year, I got to finish an old project first.
many thanks for the plug Lobo as I am using it for a system check in the .onInit
thanks to you.... :)
but, may I ask you: After the MSIBanner is destroy, the NSIS is in minimized state?

2 grahama: If you have MS VS installed, you can create your own version of plug-in dialog, just make some controls "not visible". As a variant - see attached zip.

many thanks, Takhir. That inetLoad plug is a real life saver. Thanks for the ability to integrate it back into the MUI.;really helped :)
To Lobot:
after I destroy the banner, a custom media player is launched or the user is taken to the 'First Install' page. I use NSIS to either launch the main file or install/update...then launch the main file.

inetLoadltd is Very Cool :)
Would it be difficult for POPUP to mimic MSIBANNER
1)inclusion of MUI_ICON in the header of the POPUP
2) inclusion of a text string $bannerText in the above function
3) use roughly the same dimensions of MSIBanner..or even make it definable
This would be perfect solution [and very slick] to downloading ini files and updating certain small files in the .onInit stage. For myself, I download an ini file and check that against the registry. If only a few [small]files need to be replaced/downloaded, I update them in the onInit stages. This is easiser on the user who does not have to go thru the whole installation process every time an individual file is updated. One big 'first install' is enough.

Originally posted by grahama many thanks, Takhir. That inetLoad plug is a real life saver.
Agreed, this is one of the best plugin i've seen.

Thanks and Happy New Year!
We have 10 days New Year state holidays in Russia, so I'll probably can make changes in this (specific) version soon :) If grahama could send me required banner design (image), this would be easier for me. ineum(monkey)
And this is a little program (120 kB package) with NSIS installer http://ineum.narod*****mgr_en.htm ;)

This is how I see it - InetLoad in .onInit with MSI banner design. New /BANNER parameter for the text to be displayed (this version only) - see Readme.

Takhir - 10 days that's really cool! Do you get Christmas holiday as well?

Russia celebrates Christmas January 7, so holidays includes it ;)

Finally I wrote version with all 3 "display modes" support, direct link and archive page,32

thanks Takhir
I just got back from internet...kind of a be unplugged for a while
Banner mode will be very very slick and professional looking
Looking forward to checking out your great work :)

Hi Takhir, happy new year :)
do you think you can:
1) integrate the MUI_ICON into /BANNER mode
2) set up a header text for the inetLoad plug in /BANNER mode ...
an example of this for MSIBANNER would be
MSIBANNER::SHOW /NOUNLOAD "Welcome to Fonovisa" "Checking your system"
'Welcome to Fonovisa' becomes the header text [does not change]
and 'Checking your System' becomes the main text which can change each time you MSIBANNER::UPDATE
As long as the banner has not been destroyed, the header text for the plug will always say... Welcome to Fonovisa. pretty cool

many thanks for all of your hard work....

1) do you want to define icon file in the command line?
2) finally it's possible to define caption text, but please note that plug-in currently implements "modal" dialog. This means that "load" call returns when plug-in finishes all it's jobs only. So UPDATE's are not possible now. MSI BANNER works in the modeless (detached) mode.

Integration is a good idea, OK, I know how to extract first installer’s icon from exe file. Tested on 98 SE and XP Pro only, W2K test required :) Test package attached.