Archive: uninstpage welcome ?

uninstpage welcome ?
goood evening everybody

I'm back in this forum to make my script better work...

well I need actually a page welcome in my uninstaller which i could abort, and in which i could change the text

I think I have 2 solutions :

1. create a page custom with an ini file which looks like a page welcome, anf for that i'm asking :
can anybody give me the code of the ini file which looks exactly loke a page welcome ???
(i didn't manage to do it)

2. create an uninstpage welcome
but does it even exist

Thank you for answering my questions

see ya ;)

There is already a welcome page for the uninstaller. Use the MUI_UNPAGE_WELCOME macro.

hello kichik

I think you haven't read what I said ;)
(i certainly don't spek english well enough :( , sorry )

I know that this page exists, its problem :
I can't give a function that can abort this page...
And I can't change its texts within a function too...

well I' m perhaps wrong...

This should probably work, doesn't it :
before inserting the MUI_UNPAGE_WELCOME


Also you can use next defines for change title of uninstall welcome page !define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TITLE "title" and change text on it
!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "bla bla bla"
Set defines before inserting a page macro.

hello and thx for your answer :)

this forum is really great, because people help each other, and very fast...

this is nice

well, this is not the solution that I'm gonna use glory_man...
Because these commands don't go inside an function...

I have searched, and found that the iospecial.ini is the ini file of the page welcome...
and that I can change the text within this ini file... and this command works in a function :D

but thank you

see ya

these commands don't go inside an function
Why not? You con declare variables

var ttt
var bbb

and in un.onInit assign values

StrCpy $ttt "asdf"
StrCpy $bbb "zxcv"

I try it. All works fine.

this is great :D

You are a kind of god to me...

This looks now so easy :D

well question : can the strcpy be used in another function than in un.onInit ?

[quote]can the strcpy be used in another function than in un.onInit ?[/qoute]
No. Because un.onInit called while uninstaller initializing, and in this moment you can modify those !defines.
But when un.onInit finished welcome page displayed. So, I don't see obstacles. :) You can define text and title and usig PRE-function for abort welcome page.

yes yes... this just changes the way i'm gonna use your solution for another pages, but I think I can do what I want in thue un.onInit ;)

but thank you very much, now nsis seems easier for me to use ;)

see you soon

You can set the variable values anywhere (using StrCpy) as long as you do it before the pages are shown. For example you could do it in a page's Pre custom Function, or the Leave custom Function of another page before it.


so glory_man was wrong ?

well I should try ;)
this would be better :D


Something is wrong. I use !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE before inserting a unwelcomepage macro, and when compile project see errors

Call must be used with function names starting with "un." in the uninstall section.
Usage: Call function_name | [:label_name]
Error in macro MUI_PAGE_FUNCTION_CUSTOM on macroline 3
Error in macro MUI_FUNCTION_WELCOMEPAGE on macroline 23
Error in macro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME on macroline 23
Error in macro MUI_UNPAGE_WELCOME on macroline 7

When write !define MUI_UNPAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE see warning

install function "..." not referenced

Whats wrong.