Archive: Image compacted on English system looks fine on Japanese system

Image compacted on English system looks fine on Japanese system
So I've got an image of dimenions of 190x290. If I use this image in an installer run on an english system it appears squished horizontally and stretched vertically because it is trying to fit into the image size of 169x314. When I use it on a Japanese system the image appears fine.

I remember seeing this problem a couple of months ago but it wasn't really an issue at the time. However currently the customer we're working with is very specific about the aspect ratio for their images. This isn't any kind of urgent problem as the image does display properly on Japanese systems but I am curious to understand what's going on.

I seem to remember a MUI option for not stretching an image which may be applicable for me. Can't recall for sure though.

MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP_NOSTRETCH and MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP_NOSTRETCH can be used to avoid stretching. It happens because the image box size is defined in dialog units. The translation between dialog units and pixles depends on the font.

So I could take out stretching but then the image wouldn't necessarily conform to the dimensions of the dialog right?

That's correct.