6th January 2005 12:02 UTC
Uninstalling MSI Package
Hi all,
am new to this NSIS Installer and i find it really interesting.......hmm...nice scripting..hey , am finding some difficulty in removing an MSI package....i did an application in .NET and created a Setup which ofcourse in .msi nsis executes that installer...and when my nsis setup performs uninstalling,the .NET application also has to be removed....i got a sample in Archive of how to remove an msi package....but for me it is not working!.......
the product id of the installer , it was there in the properties of the Setup Project and i passed it..but nothing is the Archive code correct?
with regards,
7th January 2005 11:59 UTC
Have you tried both of the examples (#1 #2)?
18th January 2005 11:29 UTC
i got the second code working "#2".......but it is not working in Uninstall section!!!........the error it gave was,
"Function call can be called only in un. functions"
so i added tha following code,
****************Code Starts here*************************
Function un.OnInit
push $R0
StrCpy $R0 "{7AB4EAF7-F6D0-4D7C-BBD2-94612D8F1A65}"
Call UninstallMSI
****************Code ends here*************************
even then am getting an error stating that usage of the function call is wrong??...
whats the error??
with regards,
18th January 2005 17:33 UTC
As the error says, names of functions that are called in the uninstaller must be prefixed with "un.".