Archive: Installing MSDE

Installing MSDE
Hi everybody.I realy need some help.I am realy battling to install MSDE.I have been trying to sort this out for about 2 weeks.I have managed to get all the files copied to a temp folder on the users computer,but executing the setup is proving to be a pain.
This is my coding to execute the setup:

ExecWait "$TEMP\setup.exe/qr+/l*v c:\Msdeinst.log sapwd=$DBpassword"

The var "DBpassword" , comes from when the user enters his password for MSDE.

Please if anyone can help,I would realy appreciate the help.
Thanx so much Manyoka.

May be space after setup.exe ?
...setup.exe /qr...
ExecWait also can return exit code.

Thanks dood I will try that.