Archive: How dispay bitmap on bottom dialog? as in ... see attached file

How dispay bitmap on bottom dialog? as in ... see attached file
How dispay bitmap on bottom dialog? Please see attached file.

This thread should supply you with some information.

Sorry, but what I need to do?

I use



Function myGUIInit
SetBrandingImage "$TEMP\my_image.bmp"

Image displaying in place specified in AddBrandingImage function.
But how I can display image as in attached file?

You wrote:
"1046 is the id of the branding image placeholder in the MUI UI"
I'm sorry, but it header image.

If you want it at another position and not the one used by AddBrandingImage you should use Resource Hacker as the posts near the bottom explain.

Thank you for your help.

What id has Branding Image?

How can I do it from my .nsi script?

Thank you

If you add the branding image place holder yourself, you assign it the id. But if there's only one, SetBrandingImage will use it and there's no need to specify it explicitly.

How can I do it? Please, give me example.
How change position Branding Image?

Thank you

Use Resource Hacker.


How can I do it WITHOUT Resource Hacker?

well if you really want to do it the hard way then...

you can create a plugin which moves the image in that way (the id of the control can be found using something like winspy++) and then you call the function in your plugin in the script


you use the system plugin and say use SetWindowPos() and alter things that way


just use resource hacker which is far easier to do on the ui.exe


It work

GetDlgItem $1 $HWNDPARENT branding_image_id
System::Call 'User32::SetWindowPos(i, i, i, i, i, i, i) b ($1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0x0001)'

but what branding_image_id value?

Thank you all

I found it by using Resource Hacker
Branding Image id = 1033