Archive: CreateShortcut.. URL .. Error

CreateShortcut.. URL .. Error
Hey guys,
Iam having problems with creating url-shortcuts, I never had this before, I can create the shortcut, but I cannot run it. I made several scripts to check if it aint the script.. but they all failed to make a good URL shortcut. I also re-installed NSIS, and it's still not good.

Line in script: CreateShortcut "$SMPROGRAMS\lol guess not.url" ""

Detailprint: Create shortcut: C:\Documents and Settings\VegetaSan\Menu Start\Programma's\lol guess not.url

Content of shortcut:
L À F F h€S‡_Bi¢ê +000 a€ h t t p : / / w w w . l o l . c o m

Insted of a good url shortcut like this:


When I make a url-shortcut manualy, then it's working

Can anyone help me please? thank you.
With Regards, Nabil

tried replacing the spaces with %20 ?

WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\${APP_NAME}\Online Help.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "${URL_HELP}"

lol, didnt think of the writeinistr, but it works, thanks you. Takhir

But Iam still curious why my CreateShortcut doesnt work. It allways worked, maybe a little bug ?

Change shortcut file extension to lnk.

Well... Url allways worked before and when the extention is .lnk then it will open with I.E but when it's url, it will open with the explorer you installed, for example.