Archive: Delphi Plugins

Delphi Plugins
Ok, I know I am being a dumbass, but I can't get a Delphi dll that I am writing to work.

The delphi function call is:
function GetProductInt(SerialNo, Key:String): Integer; cdecl;

Using the System plugin:
SYSTEM::Call 'Project1::GetProductInt(t, t)i (r0, r1) r2'
$R0 and $R1 have the text strings that I am trying to pass to the function, so that looks ok.

As soon as I call it, I get an error from XP saying it has caused and error and now needs to close. I don't think it is doing anything in my function yet. i have tried to write the SerialNo and Key to a file in my Delphi function to check them and I tried outputting them via message box and still I cant get anywhere.

I looked at the example plugin and I did not understand what I was supposed to pass to the EXDll example plugin to do this as a plugin. What do I put in the nsis script to call the example plugin?

Your System::Call line is missing a dot before 'r2'. But that's not why it crashes. It might have crashed because you're using the wrong calling convention. You need to use stdcall, not cdecl.

To use a plug-in, put the DLL in the Plugins folder, and use it just like you use the System plug-in:

PluginName::FunctionName parameter1 "parameter 2"

Ok, I will try that an report back what happens.

As far as a plugin version goes, there is no initialization that needs to occur or anything? Or does nsis handle that?

Initialization of what? The ExDLL.pas example shows everything that needs to be done on the plug-in side.

How do I call it from the nsis script?

How do I get hwndParent: HWND parameter to send it?

procedure ex_dll(const hwndParent: HWND; const string_size: integer; const variables: PChar; const stacktop: pointer); cdecl;

All of those parameters are passed by NSIS. In your script, the bare minimum is:

If you wish to send some stack parameters, add them on the same line, just like with the System plug-in call.