22nd January 2005 15:59 UTC
Problem with deleting $PluginsDir folder
I want to use MOD music in my installer (example from (post )
But after every install it leaves new empty folder ns***.tmp in my Temp folder.
What is wrong in this code?
Can I use BassMod 1.6 defines for BassMod 2.0?
Afrow UK
22nd January 2005 23:18 UTC
Perhaps you could try this one on the next page instead:
23rd January 2005 00:10 UTC
It seems this one works (into When I install untill the end - it's OK, but when I press Cancel - installer leavs empty $PluginsDir.
I tried
Function myOnUserAbort
!insertmacro BASSMOD_Free
but it doesn't help.
How to delete $PluginsDir on user abort?
Another question: How can I use BASSMOD_GetVolume()? I want to get system volume into some variable, then set volume to 50% (for example) and play music. In .onGUIEnd I want ot set volume back using this variable. But I cant understand how to apply BASSMOD_GetVolume to this variable.
23rd January 2005 18:40 UTC
It seems that if no sections are executed (no files (like programs files, shortcuts or uninstaller) was installed) - installer doesn't remove $PluginsDir (it only removes files from this dir, and leaves emty dir). It removes this dir only after installing something. Strange...
If I write this code
Function .onGUIEnd
!insertmacro BASSMOD_Free
System::Free 0
installer must unload all plugins and delete PluginsDir on any GUIEnd (caused by pressing Cancel button or after successful install)
27th January 2005 14:03 UTC
What version of NSIS are you using? The latest version will remove all files in the plug-ins directory but the files that are in use. If you use the latest version and open the plug-in directory, you'll see which file is in use.
27th January 2005 16:50 UTC
V 2.04. Yes, it removes all files and directory, but if I install files. If I press Chancel - it removes plugins, but leaves empty plugins dir. Also if I put empty section (see above)
Section "file"
;SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
;File "test.xm"
it also leaves emty plugins dir after I press Finish.
27th January 2005 18:14 UTC
Then you probably have SetOutPath $PLUGINSDIR somewhere. This causes the plug-ins directory to be the current working directory. The current working directory can not be deleted. Use File /oname or just SetOutPath to something else after you finish extracting.
27th January 2005 21:13 UTC
>Then you probably have SetOutPath $PLUGINSDIR somewhere
Yes, it was set. Now code is
Function .onInit
File "bassmod.dll"
File "test.xm"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" # <- added
<other commands>
And It works!