Archive: Reset MSIBANNER Progress Bar w/o Destroy

Reset MSIBANNER Progress Bar w/o Destroy
is it possible to reset the progress bar without a MSIBANNER ::Destroy ?

mmm, no :|
Do you mean, as update function increment, another function to decrement?

I want to reset the MSIBanner progress bar to 0 when 'certain' functions finish
For Example, when I get to my 'Launch' function, I would like MSIBANNER to reset back to 0 without destroy the banner....

Be nice no keep the same banner with an MSIBANNER::Update, reset the progress bar to 0, and feed it new Launching the App.
I am allready doing this with a destroy...but the banner obviously disappears when a new banner is being created...

Would look a bit slicker if I could just reset the progress bar
great plugin, BTW :)

ok... try the updated one. :)