Archive: setoverwrite by version

setoverwrite by version
In the past, I have used InstallShield and it had a way to specify file overwrite by (VERSION | DATE) where a file would be overwritten if the new file had a greater version than the old file, independent of the date/time stamp. I assumed, wrongly I believe, that the 'SetOverwrite ifnewer' would take file version (if avaible) into account. Is there a simple way to ensure that a file is overwritten if the source file has a newer version than the destination?

- Charlie

> Is there a simple way to ensure that a file is overwritten

You can set "SetOverwrite on" - and it will be always overwritten. If file is blocked (by system, or currently is running) - installer will notify you.

I realize that, but I only want to override if the file is newer. I would like the definition of 'newer' to be 1) first version 2) then date if necessary. If this does capability not exist, it seems like a nice feature that shouldn't be too dificult to implement. I am hoping, though, that I missed a simple mode/setting to accomplish my goal

You can use GetDLLVersion and GetDLLVersionLocal to do the version comparsion. You can use the Library or the older UpgradeDLL macro to do this comparison for you.

Yes, I have used those functions/macros primarily for updating system DLLs. I was just hoping that I missed some capability in the File command that would allow more control over overwriting files. It seems that I did not miss anything and will need to use something other than the File command to update my files.