Archive: InstallOptions page title dynamic

InstallOptions page title dynamic
i wonder how can i replicate the titlebar text behaviour of default nsis pages in custom pages

the default pages prepend a page title to the defined Caption text

can that be at least done with passing variables from the main script to the InstallOptions ini script ?

so i can do something like
Title="$Caption : Page Topic"

Well if i understand what your looking to do, you want to set the title of a custom page based on conditions of your installer, which could be different each time it is run. If thats right, in the set function for your custom page, just use:

!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "CustomPage.ini" "Settings" "Title" "$CustomTitle"

Since you can't put variables in custom page INIs, thats your best bet. If i'm wrong, someone correct me please. Thanks.