Need to make sure MS Accees does before installing runtime
I have an Access runtime I want to install, but I want to make sure the user does not have access before installing the runtime. I try using SearchPath, GetFullPathName but none seem to work. I can get IfFileExits to word, but I must know the path. Can this be done better maybe using ReadRegStr, something that will let me know the version of Aceess if it does exits.
Function accessfullpath
SearchPath $2 "msaccess.exe"
GetFullPathName $3 "msaccess.exe"
;messagebox MB_OK "access path: $2"
DetailPrint "NSIS is installed at: $2"
DetailPrint "NSIS is installed at: $3"
IfFileExists "C:\program files\microsoft office\office11\msaccess.exe" 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK "access is installed"