Archive: How I can archive files

How I can archive files
How I can write intaller, which do:
1. Archive all folders and files in c:\temp with LZMA method
2. Send it on mail (may with default mailer)?

2. Outlook Express does not allow automating attachments in code, this require some programming (plug-in). I saw on this forum ftp plug-in with "put" support, but I am not sure how reliable is it. You can also use "ftp" for batch mode. Do not forget to compress and send user's banking info :)

And how I can compress directory with subdirs by LZMA compression?

Just use the recursive flag on the File command. Something like...

File /r "c:\temp\*.*"

should do it. I would check the docs to be sure though. Make sure you've got SetCompressor lzma somwhere in your install script as well.

Yes, if I build installer. But I want that my installer pack files in dir.

You'd have to use 7-zip's command-line program from
You'd have to include it in your installer, extract it on run-time and execute it with nsExec::ExecToLog (or something like that)


Ok, thank's very much!