Archive: MSIBanner Woes

MSIBanner Woes
I keep getting intermittent compile erors with the new version of MSIBanne :(
I changed the MSI nsi to the below to produce the error...sometimes it compiles...sometimes it doesn't

!define PRODUCT "MSIBanner"
OutFile ${PRODUCT}.exe
ShowInstDetails show
XPStyle on

Var bannerText
Var theFile
Var destDir
Var user
Var isAdmin
Var accountType

Function .onInit
strcpy $bannerText "I am having errors :("
MSIBanner::Show /NOUNLOAD "NSIS Installer - $bannerText}"
call isAdmin
call first
;call second

function first

; Call MSIBanner Update function so, the text & the progress bar will be...mmm, updated :p
MSIBanner::Update /NOUNLOAD "${PRODUCT} is blash"
; Sleep a while, since we don't real reading let's see for a sec. the text ;)

; Call update, to add more text, and the progress bar sould increase more:
MSIBanner::Update /NOUNLOAD "Reading unknown stuff from your PC"

Sleep 1000

; Update more...
MSIBanner::Update /NOUNLOAD "${PRODUCT} is blash bloop"
; more pretty text:
Sleep 1000


Function Second
; Let's reset the progress bar...
MSIBanner::Reset /NOUNLOAD "Reseting values..."
; Now.. we can add our values to move the progress bar as we wish ;)
Sleep 1000
MSIBanner::Move /NOUNLOAD 20 "Countdown to ${PRODUCT} is blash"
Sleep 1000
MSIBanner::Move /NOUNLOAD 20 "Countdown to destruction 4"
Sleep 1000
MSIBanner::Move /NOUNLOAD 20 "Countdown to destruction 3"
Sleep 1000
MSIBanner::Move /NOUNLOAD 10 "Countdown to destruction 2"
Sleep 1000
MSIBanner::Move /NOUNLOAD 30 "Countdown to ${PRODUCT} is blash"
Sleep 1000
MSIBanner::Reset /NOUNLOAD "Re-counting again.... ${PRODUCT} is blash"
; And... let's move the progress bar manually :)
Sleep 1000
MSIBanner::Pos /NOUNLOAD 10 "Reading hardaware"
Sleep 1000
MSIBanner::Pos /NOUNLOAD 25 "Reading memory"
Sleep 1000
MSIBanner::Pos /NOUNLOAD 45 "Reading mouse"
Sleep 1000
MSIBanner::Pos /NOUNLOAD 60 "Reading software"
Sleep 1000
MSIBanner::Pos /NOUNLOAD 40 "wait... forgot keyboard"
Sleep 1500
MSIBanner::Pos /NOUNLOAD 70 "Reading CPU"
Sleep 1000
MSIBanner::Pos /NOUNLOAD 90 "Finishing global scoops..."
Sleep 1000
; last call and the progress bar will increase more:
MSIBanner::Pos /NOUNLOAD 100 "Cleaning...."
; look, more pretty text:
Sleep 1000


Function isAdmin
Call isUserAdmin
strcmp $R0 "true" isAdmin notAdmin
;messageBox MB_OK "we are admin"
;strcmp $QT "current" +1 done
;messageBox MB_OK "QT is current"
MSIBanner::Pos /NOUNLOAD 10 "We are admin"
sleep 1000
; Call firstInstall
;Call UpdateCheck
goto done
;strcmp $QT "current" +1 getAdmin
MSIBanner::Pos /NOUNLOAD 10 "We are NOT admin"
;call firstInstall
;Call UpdateCheck
goto done

;call getAdmin
;MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP "This application must be installed by an administrator.$\nClick 'OK' to terminate the installation."
;on to installation section

Function IsUserAdmin
Push $R0
Push $R1
Push $R2

IfErrors Win9x
Pop $R1
Pop $R2

StrCmp $R2 "Admin" 0 Continue
; Observation: I get here when running Win98SE. (Lilla)
; The functions UserInfo.dll looks for are there on Win98 too,
; but just don't work. So UserInfo.dll, knowing that admin isn't required
; on Win98, returns admin anyway. (per kichik)
; MessageBox MB_OK 'User "$R1" is in the Administrators group'
StrCpy $R0 "true"
Goto Done

; You should still check for an empty string because the functions
; UserInfo.dll looks for may not be present on Windows 95. (per kichik)
StrCmp $R2 "" Win9x
StrCpy $R0 "false"
;MessageBox MB_OK 'User "$R1" is in the "$R2" group'
Goto Done

; comment/message below is by UserInfo.nsi author:
; This one means you don't need to care about admin or
; not admin because Windows 9x doesn't either
;MessageBox MB_OK "Error! This DLL can't run under Windows 9x!"
StrCpy $R0 "true"

strcpy $user "$R1"
strcpy $isAdmin "$R0"
strcpy $accountType "$R2"
strcpy $bannerText "User= $R1, AccountType= $R2, IsUserAdmin= $R0"

MSIBanner::UPDATE /NOUNLOAD "$bannerText"
sleep 1000
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Exch $R0



Section -default
; Destroy the banner here, where we have a valid HWND
; if the progress bar isn't full, this fuction will make it:
; Note:
; the minimum value is 0 and the maximum is 100.
; Everytime the function "Update" is called, the progress bar moves "5" units (global increment).
; Everytime the function "Move" is called, the progress bar adds the inputed value to the global increment.
; Everytime the function "Pos" is called, the progress bar moves into position inputed, becoming the current global increment.
DetailPrint "Works great!"

It would be better to post the compile errors rather than your source code.
Also, not that you need to now, but please attach your source code as a file attachment (so you don't get smilies and it is easier to read the topic).


Good Idea...

here's the script....

where are the compiling errors stored ?

ok.... One think that I haven't tested with the plugin was multiple function you using....

Basically, as the example that I attached, the plugin is used in one function only.... not multiple....

Right know, can't test...I'm not at home...this weekend I'll work it :)

PS: According to the help files, you can call MakeNSIS.EXE with the switch '/o' followed by the filename to have the compiler output messages to a file instead of on screen.

You can also copy and paste the errors from the compiler interface (MakeNSISW.EXE)

no worries Lobo :)
going to be taking the weekend off....
will take my g/f to the ocean and enjoy a couple days without a computer
have a great weekend