28th January 2005 23:38 UTC
adding build number or time stamp to outfile
Normally it is usefull if some kind of unique string can be added to name of the installer like a build date or number
i tried
OutFile "installer${__TIME__}.exe"
but it contains a space and i would really like to keep track of build numbers intead
i am now investingating making a batch script that would create a file with a number , incrementing it every time it is runned , then running makensis , and reading from the nsi script the number file then appending the number to outfile
any other sugestions ?
would the developers think they can implement something in the lines of this ?
29th January 2005 00:11 UTC
There already is such a thing. Use:
!define /date NOW "%d %b, %Y"
OutFile "installer${NOW}.exe"
29th January 2005 00:16 UTC
ok , i assumed the date format can not be configured , thanks
however as for the build incrementing counter , what do you think ?
29th January 2005 00:23 UTC
I don't think I'll add something that reads from another file and increments. However, I might add math operations to !define. You can use !system to do it for now (write to temporary file and then include it).
29th January 2005 00:31 UTC
can the time format be defined like the date too ?
yea i did not mean including those operations , math functionality would be great :)
29th January 2005 00:34 UTC
/date works with both time and date. See !define in the documentation for more information.