Archive: Disable Install Directory

Disable Install Directory

The pages that use to come in my installer are as follows

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "${ADDEDFILES}\License.rtf"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH

Now what I want is that I need to show MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY page, but user will not able to change anything in there. ie user is forced to install in the default directory.

Any help

can we pass some parameter to the custom page created using
installoptions plugin
what i did here is created a custom page that informs user that the current software is being installed in so and so directory click install to continue.
Now the problem is that I need to print the default path there which is something like this


hello have a look at the topic i've "upped" tomorrow :

you'll will find the beginning of the answer...
unfortunately, the answer the forumers gave isn't really complete : the browse button isn't disabled yet.
if anyone could give me that solution :D


I have created a custum page
this is working now

can you please give the complete code of your custom page ?