Archive: Can NSIS do this ? (WISE-Function)

Can NSIS do this ? (WISE-Function)

we use WISE Installation System 9.02 Professional Edition.

This program has a function we need.

This function is called "Compile-Variables".

With this function is possible to compile an individual installation
file with only one script.


Does NSIS have exactly the same function?

If the answer yes, where can i find this function?
And how can i use this?

kind regards


Sorry but I don't understand your explanation...


Originally posted by Afrow UK
Sorry but I don't understand your explanation...


sorry form my bad english :(

from the help-File

Use this page to set compiler variables that change the compiled setup program. For instance, you could use a compiler variable to determine which files are included in the compiled .EXE file. Or you could use compiler variables to create either a Win16 or a Win32 version of your application.
There are many other uses for compiler variables. For a step-by-step procedure that shows how to use compiler variables to build a debug version of your installation, see Building a Debug Version. To see a sample script that uses compiler variables, open the file COMPVAR.WSE from the Samples directory in the Wise Installation System application directory. To read about the sample script, see Creating an Installer That Can Be Customized During Compile.

When you reference a compiler variable name in your script, you must surround the name with percent signs, for instance, %_DEBUG_%. See Variables and Expressions for more information about using compiler variables. For automated build processes, you can specify compiler variable values from the command line, either by entering the value directly on the command line, or by storing the values in a text file; see Wise Installation System (Wise32.EXE).

· To add a new compiler variable, click the Add button.

· To remove a variable, select it from the list and click the Delete button.

· To set the default value of the variable and enter other information about it, click the Properties button. This opens the Compiler Variable Settings dialog box.

· Compiling from Command Line. Mark this checkbox to be prompted for the value of compiler variables when you compile an installation from the command line.

· Compiling from Within Wise. Mark this checkbox to be prompted for the value of compiler variables when you compile an installation from the Wise Installation System’s user interface. If you mark this checkbox, then a Select Compile Settings dialog appears at compile time that lists this compiler variable’s values. One dialog appears for each compiler variable you define. Up to 10 values in the value list display as radio buttons, and over 10 display in a listbox. Value length is limited by the amount of text that displays on the dialog. The Do not prompt for value checkbox in the Compiler Variable Settings dialog overrides this setting.

See Compiler Variable Settings.

This dialog box appears when you click the Add or Properties button on the Compiler Variables page. Use it to set compiler variable properties.

· Variable Name. Enter the name of the compiler variable. By convention, compiler variables begin and end with an underscore (_) character. Installation Expert does not enforce this convention; however, it is useful when reading scripts to be able to distinguish between compiler variables and regular script variables.

· Default Value. Enter the default value of the compiler variable if it is not changed at compile time.

· Description. Enter a brief description or explanation of how the variable is used. This information appears in the dialog box where you are asked to choose a new value for the variable.

· Value List. For compiler variables that are displayed as a list, enter a list of allowable values, each on a separate line. Also see Building a Debug Version.

· Data Entry Type. Choose the method to be used to enter data for the compiler variable. Options include either a simple edit field in which the user can enter text, an edit field with a Browse button for specifying directories, or a list of values that allows either single or multiple selections.

· Do not prompt for value. If this checkbox is marked, you are not prompted for the value of this variable when compiling an installation even if the Prompt for Compiler Variables checkbox is marked on the main Compiler Variables page. Mark this checkbox for variables you do not expect to change frequently.

Also see Compiler Variables.


sorry, i have not read your post in detail. Perhaps §5.4 of the nsis user manual (Conditional Compilation) will help you

kind regards


you can set any variables you need by using the .onInit function to set various settings and/or variables to handle this. With this, you could then control how your installation behaves (eg what files to include, what type of installatation to run, what windows to show, etc.)

There are many examples of these types of things scattered throughout this forum, in the NSIS Archive, and in the NSIS help files. There's also plenty of examples also. I'd suggest you start with that and then ask the group again if you have specific questions.

Comperio, those are runtime variables. According to the description from Wise, it indeed seems d_b is looking for defines as dani254 suggested. Bigtest.nsi has an example.

Originally posted by dani254
sorry, i have not read your post in detail. Perhaps §5.4 of the nsis user manual (Conditional Compilation) will help you

kind regards
And who can i use this ?

have you a script with this function ??
