Archive: access files packed within the exe

access files packed within the exe
Here goes...I hope it makes some sense
The question:
Is it possible to store/access/launch files inside the framework of my NSIS exe without 'unpacking' them to an external 'my documents' ?

In my Apple Os X version of my installer, I am accessing files packaged inside the installer file...'Launch Fonovisa'. It is totally portable.

for example, I have a quicktime movie that is stored within the framework of the above file Whenever the Launch Fonovisa file is clicked, a script is run that searches inside the framework of the file and opens up a QT movie. The directory of the Launch Fonovisa file is:
Launch Fonovisa

I the NSIS version, I am storing these files externally...and then launching them.

No such "streamer" exists, you'd have to write one on your own.

just to make I my pc architecture skills are not fully baked...

On the Mac OS X side:
my Mac OS X installer is a 'package' file. The user sees what looks like a single file with an icon on their desktop. The file is actually a collection of files within a directory like:
-Contents Folder
--Resources folder

when the user clicks on, myScript.applescript in the 'Scripts' folder is activated...this scipt does stuff and then launches the movie in the 'Movie' folder. To the user, it is all one file...and totally portable ....

is there some kind of PC equivalent to Mac OS X 'package' files ?
I could put my NSIS installer [which I really like] into it

thanks for putting up with me and an OT question like this:)