Archive: AddBrandingImage and different modern skins don't work :(

AddBrandingImage and different modern skins don't work :(
1.I want to replace the standart blue image at the left part of default Modern UI. In Inno setup I can make it by command.

Image should be *.bmp up to 164x314 pixels.
I found AddBrandingImage installer ittribute but I can't get it work :( - just a grey blank field appears...
I tried
AddBrandingImage left 170|314 "image.bmp"
where 170x314 is the native file resolution.
What am I doing wrong ?

2.There are plenty of modern UI in {NSISDIR}\Contrib\UIs directory, but almost all of them do not work:(
only sdbarker_tiny.exe,default and modern work...
I use command example from help
ChangeUI all "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\UIs\sdbarker_tiny.exe"
I attached my nsi script, please, check what's wrong (do not pay attention to russion words ;))

I found that I can simply replace
but I guess there's a better way...


Not all the UIs are ment to be used as dialogs prototypes. Since you are using MUI, let the NSIS compiler uses the default one. The other ones add features as description window, img control, etc...

MUI uses a default one... I recommend you to use that ;)
No need to use ChangeUI.

And you can do more stuff in MUI, just read the MUI docs, dude ${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Modern UI\Readme.htm :)

BTW: NSIS is very very far from Inno :) take this comment as a former Inno user ;)

I made my first installator yesterday - it was Inno Setup ( my partner gave me the script ). Then I started with NSIS and found out that it produces smaller installations :) then I decided to make an analogue setup ( there's iss2nsi plugin ,but it hardly works in my caseĆ³ )
I spent hours searching help files for some functions and now AddBrandingImage is the only trouble. I'm still interested how it works ;)

OK,ChangeUI is too complicated for me right now - I see it.

And you can do more stuff in MUI, just read the MUI docs
I'd better look for some examples ;)

Branding Image
Change the Addbranding Image in 'nsisconf.nsh" and not in your script.

Deepesh Agarwal,

deepesh, that won't help.

Read the Modern UI readme. The MUI itself uses ChangeUI so you need to tell it to use another UI. You do that with the MUI_UI define. To change the blue image on the left, use the MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP define.

Can you post a little simle example?

For MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP? Just define it with the path to your BMP before you insert any page macro.

10x again :)