Archive: Execute another installer

Execute another installer
This has probrally been asked many times before, but I need to execute another installer, and also the installer i want is a .msi file.

So you know, Im using the ModernUI Thing.

Here is my sections code:

;Installer Sections

Section "SAM2 Broadcaster" SecSAM
SectionIn RO
ExecWait '"sam2s.exe"'

Section "MySQL 4.1" SecSQL
SectionIn RO
ExecWait '"mysql-essential-4.1.9-win32.msi"'

Section "Ares P2P" SecP2P
ExecWait '"areslite181.exe"'

It just skips over it the .msi download.

Thanks in advance!!

Re: Execute another installer

Originally posted by arfinator853
This has probrally been asked many times before
And you are right ....
A little search will help... ;)
An example

doesnt work...

;Installer Sections

Section "SAM2 Broadcaster" SecSAM
SectionIn RO
ExecWait '"SAMInstall.exe"'

Section "MySQL 4.1" SecSQL
SectionIn RO
ExecWait '"${MSIExecPath}msiExec" /q /i "mysql-essential-4.1.9-win32.msi" TargetDir = "$INSTDIR"'

Section "Ares P2P" SecP2P
ExecWait '"areslite181.exe"'

I get this error:

1 warning:
unknown variable/constant "{MSIExecPath}" detected, ignoring (C:\Program Files\NSIS\Examples\Modern UI\sfr.nsi:50)
And it skips over the msi file. I created one of these once, but it waas a while ago, and the post was deleted. When I first loaded the installer it would show a little loading thing. If any body has any ideas, they would be greatly appreciated!


ok, I found my other post and have solved the msi problem.