Archive: Internal compiler error #12345 :/

Internal compiler error #12345 :/
I read faq, searched board and found no solution to my problem, others i found was not same error as mine and mostly used win98 with FAT!

i'm using XP Pro , NTFS and i get following error after it's going to compress last file!

File: "Textures.pak" [compress]
Internal compiler error #12345: error mmapping file (1287573784, 33554432) is out of range.

Note: you may have one or two (large) stale temporary file(s)
left in your temporary directory (Generally this only happens on Windows 9x).

i tried change Temp dir to another place where i had 30GB free space, and it used about 700mb before reaching this file so can't be space problem!

Textures.pak is bit over 700mb file!

installer VISE had no problems making setup of all files but it cost and NSIS is free so rather use NSIS!

tried use bzip2 instead and it worked but not zlib, then i get error above!

Windows does not have enough memory free to succesfully 'memory map' this file.
Is your swap space limited in any way? Or is your memory usage already very high?

Which version of NSIS are you using?


I receive the same error. Already moved my temp directory to my secondary hard drive which has 77 GB free.

I am trying to pack a big installer. A few files are 500 - 900 MB.

The error only appears while processing those big files.

Internal compiler error #12345: error mmapping file (1700401933, 33554432) is out of range.  Note: you may have one or two (large) stale temporary file(s) left in your temporary directory (Generally this only happens on Windows 9x).

My laptop has 4 GB of RAM and is running Win XP Professional.
Would be nice if anybody could give me a hint.


The maximum datasize is 2GB (no, not 2147483648 byte) and all files together, that are going to be part of the installer , should not exeed this limit.

Try using an plugin like 7z or zip.

compiling a lot of small files that in total have ~3GB, received the same error trying LZMA (solid) compressor. succeeded using LZMA compressor. result seems to be the same, ~1.3GB. so what's the difference between LZMA (solid) and LZMA?

NSIS 2.46