Archive: Serbian Updated

Serbian Updated
Cyrillic & Latin script

Terminology has changed,
typos are fixed.


Tahoma is not available on all computers. It's better to relay on MS Shell Dlg as NSIS does by default. It usually translates to Tahoma anyway.

Why are there question marks at the end of SerbianLatin.nlf?

Why are there question marks at the end of SerbianLatin.nlf? [/B]
Latin translation is a product of a script conversion tool. I translate to the cyrillic script first, and then use a script convertor to get the latin translation. I have "checked" the translation only by compiling several projects, I didnt read it (because I have read the cyrillic translation). I always forgot to check this ?.

Also, I saw in my first message here, the names of language files were SerbianCyrillic and SerbianLatin. Now they are Serbian and SerbianLatin. Maybe for the sake of compatibility Serbian should be changed to SerbianCyrillic.

So, these are the fixed ones...

Uploaded. I have kept the name of the files to Serbian instead of SerbianCyrillic to maintain backwards compatibility.

Originally posted by kichik
Uploaded. I have kept the name of the files to Serbian instead of SerbianCyrillic to maintain backwards compatibility.
That was quick.

No, it should be the opposite way.
I mean my first message ever, when I sent translation for v2.00 RC.
Files in this package were named SerbianCyrillic and SerbianLatin, and in rev_1.0 I have Serbian instead of SerbianCyrillic, so I tought that this Serbian should be renamed again to SerbianCyrillic.

What a confusion...