Archive: $INSTDIR with spaces causes problems as a parameter

$INSTDIR with spaces causes problems as a parameter

I am trying to run a program at the end of an instalation, for example

!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\MyProgram.exe"

and pass it the instalation directory as a parameter


However when MyProgram.exe runs it only gets C:\Program instead of the entire path.

Now, I figure, okay I need to add quotes around $INSTDIR, so I change it to this...


but now MyProgram.exe does not even get executed at the end of installation.

What is the solution to this? I can't see any other way around it. I don't wanna have to go back to using msi :(


When I tried a simple example it worked OK, and the program started by the installer found the correct value for $INSTDIR even if it contained spaces.

Perhaps the problem is that the program you are running stops reading the command-line parameter when it finds a space, so you need to enclose the parameter in quotes?

If you use


and use C:\Program Files\My Demo for the installation then your program should find the command-line contains

"C:\Program Files\My Demo"

instead of just

C:\Program Files\My Demo

hmm i am using HM NISEdit as my environment around nsis. Is this known to have this type of issue?

I will try escaping the quotes as per your example. Thanks.

In worst case use GetShortName (nsis function) and have a 8 character limit ;)

>> C:\Program Files\My Demo



8.3 is recommended while using Exec with dosbox programs (like RAR.EXE or 7ZA.EXE)

sneaky idea mate :D

Sorry, must be "GetFullPathName /SHORT user_var(output) path_or_file"