Archive: FileOpen

I want to open a programm in c:\test.bat

the help gave me this example:

FileOpen $0 $INSTDIR\file.dat r
FileClose $0

so I made a attempt

FileOpen $0 $c\test.bat r
File Close $0

but it does not work ....why ?

FileOpen $0 "c:\test.bat" r
IfErrors 0 +3
MessageBox MB_OK "Error fopen"

FileClose $0

Error if file not exists only. Or may be you want to execute file?

I just want to start the test.bat
but it does not work

your code does not work, too...

FileOpen file r
opens file for read :)
To run bat file use nsExec plug-in from Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\nsExec folder (sample included). Forum search may help with other samples. thread, Anders' post - echo off & cls commands to be sure that hidden bat window will really close.

it does not work...

What does not work?
Have you tried
nsExec::Exec "c:\test.bat"
You should not that nsExec will hide the command-prompt window so you may not realise that it was executed at all!
