Archive: Why isn't there help file for plugins included in original package?

Why isn't there help file for plugins included in original package?
There're plenty of plugins in the oroginal package . But there's no helpfile for them! There's almost no mention of them in manual. I've already posted 2-3 questions that could be solved with standart package plugins.
IMHO lack of information (of course I can find it in WWW,but it takes time and money) is very unconvinient... I hope help file will become better... May be, someone can make an addition to helpfile?
10x in advance.

Òàê ïî âñåì ïëóãèíàì åñòü ñâîè readme.

çåìëÿê ïî÷òè! ÿ ïðàâäà ñòîëè÷íûé...
I can't find these readme's on my HDD? It's not convinient to browse WWW each time.

Ïî êàêîìó ïëóãèíó òû èñêàë è íå íàøåë?

ß âîò, íàïðèìåð, â ïàïêå NSIS\Contrib\{èìÿ ïëóãèíà} ïî âñåì åñü ëèáî .txt ëèáî .html ñ õåëïîì.

àõ âîò îíè ãäå... :) õåëï ïî õåëïó ïîõîæå íàäî äëÿ ÍÑÈÑ çàâîäèòü :) íå òàì ÿ èñêàë. Ñïàñèáî.
Sorry, guys .The question is settled :)Helps arrangement is just a little unlogic :) Everything can be found in NSIS\Contrib\...

Maybe you aren't asking the right questions? ;)

Basically, the plugin development takes to know C, C++ and API (Win32). See the ExDLL example.... and that's it :)

And maybe some translation, not too many of us speak Belarusian ;)

Has forgotten more simple decision. [img]http://www.elite-games*****conference/images/smiles/upset.gif[/img]

If look into Start menu then there is NSIS\Contrib-folder, in which there is links to all manuals for plugins.


And maybe some translation, not too many of us speak Belarusian;)