Archive: Steam installer plugin

Steam installer plugin
is there Steam installer plugin for "Nullsoft Install System" or any help on how to create script for steam installation files?

thank you

A quick Google search came up with this.

oh thank you kichik
that is what i was looking for

i think now i will made this installer for steam, fingers cross:)

XPStyle - This is not what you think! This effects whether or not the installer will use your users custom theme/style in Windows XP. If you set this to On it will try and override the users theme and use XP's default. I recommend leaving this Off so your installer will inherit the theme that your user has.
heh, how do people come to conclusions like this :cry:

thank you for tip Anders:)

any way, i have problem compile they scripts what is provide on thay site

Error in script "C:\cstrike\sabaki_installer.nsi" on line 14 -- aborting creation process
line 14:
OutFile "sabaki_installer.exe"; set the name of your installers EXE
any idea what can be wrong?

Post all of the errors, not just the last one. It means nothing alone.

i fix the problem
i removed:

!define MUI_PRODUCT "British Airborne models"
!define MUI_VERSION ""; define a version here if you want to.
!define MUI_BRANDINGTEXT "British Airborne models for DoD v1.0 (Red Beret version)"
and i add this:
SetDateSave on
SetDatablockOptimize on
ShowInstDetails show
BGGradient 000000 800000 FFFFFF
InstallColors FF8080 000030
DirText "Sabaki Counter Strike Source Installer v 0.2 beta"
full .nsi file looks like that so far:

Name "Sabaki Counter Strike Source Pack v 0.2 beta"
Caption "Sabaki Counter Strike Source Pack v 0.2 beta"

!include "MUI.nsh"


OutFile "sabaki_installer.exe"
CRCCheck On
XPStyle Off
SetDateSave on
SetDatablockOptimize on
SilentInstall normal
ShowInstDetails show
BGGradient 000000 800000 FFFFFF
InstallColors FF8080 000030

; The text to prompt the user to enter a directory
DirText "Sabaki Counter Strike Source Pack v 0.2 beta"

InstallDir ""

;Modern UI Configuration


;Define sizes, etc.


!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"

;Installer Sections


SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
File "text\sabaki_readme.txt"


Section "Menu Wallpaper" Menu_Wallpaper

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\materials\console"
File "materials\console\background01.vtf"


SubSection /e "Sabaki Player Models" Player_Models

Section "Urban Player Module" Urban_Player_Models

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\materials\models\player\urban"
File "materials\models\player\urban\UrbanTemp.vmt"
File "materials\models\player\urban\UrbanTemp.vtf"


Section "Terror Player Module" Terror_Player_Models

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\materials\models\player\terror"
File "materials\models\player\terror\TerrorTemp.vmt"
File "materials\models\player\terror\TerrorTemp.vtf"




Function .onInit

; --------------------------
; this bit sets out mod path
; --------------------------

StrCpy $0 "\counter-strike source\cstrike"

; --------------------------------
; this bit gets our installer path
; --------------------------------

ReadRegStr $R0 HKCU "Software\Valve\Steam" ModInstallPath
StrCmp $R0 "" NotPresent Present

Goto Done

StrLen $R3 $R0
IntOp $R1 $R1 - 1
IntCmp $R1 -$R3 exit exit
StrCpy $R2 $R0 1 $R1
StrCmp $R2 "\" exit
Goto loop
StrCpy $R0 $R0 $R1
StrCpy $INSTDIR "$R0$0"


now i'm tring to find out how to made on selection files what will be install from that pack.

Well in defence of my script :(

That installer script wont work on the release version - if you read the first page it was written ages ago when NSIS 2 was still in beta and a lot of stuff changed so it needs re-writing. Hence, thats why its classified on my site as "retired"

As for the comment about XP-Style - thats how I interpreted its use from the documentation that came with the Beta.

When ever I release a HL/HL2 map all I have to put in my script is this:

${SE-ExtractDirReg}        "HKCU" "Software\Valve\Steam" "ModInstallPath"
${SE-ExtractDirRegAdd} "hostileintent"

${SE-ExtractDirText} "Please enter or browse for your Hostile Intent game directory..."
${SE-ExtractDirTextBrowse} "Please select your Hostile Intent game directory..."

${SE-ReadmeCheckBox} "hi_sands_v3.txt" "$INSTDIR\maps\hi_sands_v3.txt"

This is all you need to use with my Self-Extractor kit to allow for Steam installations.
